Bantam Tryouts
Get a jump start on the Bantam League season!
The Bantam Preseason Boys & Girls League in the month of October offers teams a jump start on the Bantam League season. Teams play in divisions based on age group alone in the Preseason League (no A or B divisions).
Preseason Schedules can be tailored around football, soccer, and other sports as much as possible with games on Saturday afternoons and evenings (some Monday nights as needed, communicate your needs to an administrator).
Teams can get a head start by just getting in some games to get the “rust” off after players have spent months away from basketball playing other sports. Get your team ready to compete at a high level in the winter league!
Preseason league details
For additional questions please email

Boys & girls, 4th-9th grade divisions (no A or B divisions, grade only for this Fall Preseason League). This is a 6 game league - no tournament.

Real Athlete Warehouse, Orem (65 N 1380 W, Orem), Club Utah, Lehi, UT, and Aces Athletics, Lehi, UT (as well as possible other locations South Utah County depending on the growth of league).

Saturday afternoon and evening game times so as to not conflict with football games. Some Monday nights are possible.

$450 per team - all players will need AAU cards (cards are good for the season for all other UC Bantam and AAU Tournaments from September to August).